Monday, January 18, 2010

Big Audacious Prayers

Okay, obviously I need to start this off so here goes. I have so many Audacious prayers that have been answered. Some were not even asked for and they were answered before I knew I needed it.  Some have been years of trevailing and finally answered...and honestly some were answered but not the way I thought they would  or hoped they would be answered.  Trusting in the Lord is always easy when we look at God like a Santa Claus and sometimes that can happen. Escpecially when we are just "getting" it. The true trust is developed over time and through relationship. Just like with your spouse, your family, your children that trust in the Lord can only be developed over time and our walk with Him.

Do you remember when  you first realized that God answered prayers. It felt like spring. All the floweres were opening up and the air was clean and crisp.  There are some that actually do call this the Spring of your spiritual walk.  All your prayers seem to be answered from a parking place at the mall to that promotion you needed .  You felt like you were on the mountain and God was the best Daddy ever because you saw Him in everything that your hands touched. 

As the seasons changed and your relationship grew...winter set in.  My husband would call that the time in your life that things are frozen.  The time that  you spend with God one on one. You have to dig deep to find the warmth in just your relationship with Him. This is the time that  you are learning, leaning and trusting in the God who is your creator, your Father,  your Provider and your Friend. This time in your life is quite hard. You have to press in harder, listen closer and become more diligent.  But the benefits...ahh, when spring comes again!  What a refreshment to your spirit.  And the seasons continue.

So sometimes those Audacious Prayers are answered in the hard times and sometimes when you don't even know you need to ask. What you might have asked for in a different place in your life, today  you might ask for something completely different. We grow, we learn, we look into our heart and allow God to change us because our relationship with Him is born out of true love. The prayers we ask for change in our lives as we grow.

So here is one of my celebrations with God of answered Audacious Prayer.  In the easy and hard times.  Because trust is learned in all those times is it not?

I know some will understand this and some will sympathize with this but having a child can be challenging for some.  For me, for some unknown reason, I always believed I would never be able to have a child.  I don't mean after Dean and I started trying, I mean when I was a teen.  There was no reason for that thought,  no Doctor had ever said anything to me as such, I just kept having it.  So when Dean and I started thinking about children...well, the first thing that happened was a mis-carriage. The devil really tried to use that as an affirmation in my heart for what I "thought" I knew.  But I could not reconcile that strong desire that I wanted to have a child. I started really leaning in and trusting God with the answer. I was not sure what the answer would be, in fact, a little afraid of the answer but I couldn't stop trying.  That desire can be so strong. There is no denying it. That desire is so strong at times it can surpass logic. This might be a good thing because what ever the answer God give know it only comes from Hiim. It is a long, long road to walk down.

I can tell you that God answers prayers wonderfully, but not always the way we think. But I do believe that, for whatever the reason, if you are a Mom, trying to be a Mom or just think about being a Mom one day God placed that desire in your heart.  The answer may have been a little different than what you thought it may have been, like my friend Donna, that ended up being an adoptive Mom.  And guys, she is one of the craziest, fun, ever-loving Moms I know but her road was long and hard.  Or another friend that it was a pure miracle that she conceived the first time but did not have any more children or Mel who tried and tried the first time and after that...well, let's just say God healed her :) two kids and going strong. The list could go on and on because this can be our Big, Audacious Prayer right here and really never have another one.  Our kids. Our blessings.  Those that God has entrusted us with for how ever long to love, support and lead them hopefully to a relationship with Him.

And last but not least, me.  Olivia was a very special blessing because they had no idea if anything would work. It had everything to do with me. I have some overactive hormones that suppress the development process of the egg and then allowing the egg to have stability for the first 12 weeks,  But joy of all joys we were blessed with Olivia. That beautiful, full of life, wonderful person that I am honored to know. That teaches me more than sometimes I think I can teach her.

God did answer our prayer.  God did give us our Big, Audacious prayer!  And we celebrate that life almost everyday!!!!

So, that is my first Audacious Prayer answered.  For this year I have a few but the top of the list is really knowimg God more and deeper.  Not to be a cliche or spiritual, it's just that He is my Dad and I have a hard time truly realizing how much He loves me. Just me.  He loves us all the same, I know that, but sometimes I think He has other favorites.  But I know He can handle my thoughts as well on the subject. So this year, I really want to press in and know Him even more. "Seek Ye first the Kingdom of God"  only because then your will will line up with His and you will be walking in His will for your life. Maybe not for you, but for me, that can be a daily challenge.

Love to you all...and I like celebrating what God is doing in our lives and I really do want to know!  So let me know....

In His Grip

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